but by a factor of five? Thus, PD baffled people who were trying to do heroic fiction where speed is effectively armor. Again, no one disputes that the equipment should help some, or even a lot. I've increased by odds from 6 or less (9.3%) to 10 or less (50%). I stack on armor and shields, and get Heavy encumbrance – reducing my Dodge to 3 but picking up PD 7. Suppose that, in 3e, I have Dodge 6 naked."Greater than the sum of the parts" is one thing more than four times the sum of the parts is another! Thus, PD baffled people who did the math. The probabilities would logically stack to more like 11%. If I dodge in PD, I roll against the sum (10): 50%. If I dodge naked, I roll Dodge (6): 9.3%. If I don't try to defend, I roll PD (4): 1.9%. Suppose that, in Third Edition, I have PD 4, Dodge 6 from whatever sources.The problems most often pointed out with PD: 3.1.2 Why was PD dropped? And why do shields still provide defense bonuses similar to PD? Why was PD dropped? Note that GURPS Powers, and the more specialized GURPS Psionic Powers, provide ways to bring back the old flavor (with skills and power groups) in a more balanced way. Talent adds a "skill" component back in, and modifiers – like Reliable – can further modify things. The advantage/attribute roll model won out on the grounds of simplicity. We decided that it was fairer – and meshed super-powers and psi powers better, since they're basically the same thing – to use a single mechanic for all superhuman abilities. Basic Set 3.1 General 3.1.1 Why was the Power/Skill approach to Psionics dropped in Fourth Edition?Ĭhiefly because it created a two-tier system, wherein some superhuman abilities were just advantages that required attribute rolls, while others were "powers" that came with improvable skills.